Text Formatting in HTML

In this tutorial, we’re diving into the world of text formatting – the art of making your content not only informative but visually appealing. Think of it as adding colours, styles, and emphasis to your words, just like an artist does with a canvas.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Heading Tags (<h1> to <h6>): Imagine these as the different-sized brushes in your formatting toolkit. They help you structure your content, from the most important headlines to the smaller details.
  2. Paragraphs (<p>): Think of these as your content’s paragraphs, like the sentences in a book. They give your content a neat and organized appearance.
  3. Text Emphasis: Picture this as adding a spotlight to certain words. Bold, italic, and <u>underline</u> – they’re like highlighting tools that make your content stand out.

In short, imagine you’re adding brush strokes to a painting to make it more vibrant. That’s what this tutorial is about. You can enhance your content’s visual appeal by formatting your text.


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