HTML Entities

HTML entities are special codes that represent reserved characters and symbols in your web content. They’re crucial for displaying characters that have specific meanings in HTML, such as angle brackets (< and >), ampersands (&), and more.

Here’s a list of some examples:

  • &lt; displays < (less-than sign)
  • &gt; displays > (greater-than sign)
  • &amp; displays & (ampersand)
  • &quot; displays ” (double quotation mark)
  • &apos; displays ‘ (single quotation mark)
  • &copy; displays © (copyright symbol)
  • &reg; displays ® (registered trademark symbol)
  • &trade; displays ™ (trademark symbol)
  • &cent; displays ¢ (cent sign)
  • &pound; displays £ (pound sterling)
  • &yen; displays ¥ (yen sign)
  • &euro; displays € (euro sign)
  • &sect; displays § (section sign)
  • &mdash; displays — (em dash)
  • &ndash; displays – (en dash)
  • &hellip; displays … (horizontal ellipsis)
  • &laquo; displays « (left-pointing double angle quotation mark)
  • &raquo; displays » (right-pointing double angle quotation mark)
  • &dagger; displays † (dagger)
  • &Dagger; displays ‡ (double dagger)

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