Comments in Python

Comments are non-executable lines in your code that provide explanations, insights, and context to make your code easier to understand.

1. Single-line Comments:

For a quick note or explanation, use the # symbol to start a single-line comment.

Example: Single-line Comment

# This is a single-line comment
print("Hello, world!")

2. Multi-line Comments:

For longer explanations or commenting out multiple lines, use triple quotes (''' or """) to create multi-line comments.

Example: Multi-line Comment

This is a multi-line comment.
It can span across multiple lines
and provides more detailed explanations.
print("Hello again!")

3. Commenting Best Practices:

  • Be Concise: Write comments that provide valuable insights without unnecessary verbosity.
  • Explain Logic, Not Syntax: Focus on explaining why something is done rather than how it’s done (syntax is usually self-explanatory).
  • Update Your Comments: As your code evolves, ensure that comments remain accurate and up-to-date.
  • Avoid Over-commenting: Balance is key as it helps to avoid commenting on every line; and also to focus on complex or crucial parts.

4. Adding Comments to Functions and Classes:

For functions and classes, you can use docstrings to provide comprehensive explanations that can be accessed programmatically.

Example: Function Docstring

def greet(name):
    This function greets the user.
    name (str): The name of the user.
    print("Hello, " + name + "!")

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